After a one-week test run of a Chia Obama in its Tampa and Chicago markets, Walgreens has pulled the product from its shelves. According to a company statement issued by Walgreens spokesman Robert Elfinger:
We decided to pull the product because it didn’t fit with our corporate image. We also didn’t want to be subject to any misinterpretation over the product. People could interpret it through a political viewpoint or other viewpoints and we want to avoid that situation.
I can understand Walgreens’ position (their image isn’t exactly hip, unless it has something to do with actual hips) and, happily, there are still online venues selling the product (Amazon,, so it’s not as if this will be the product that never was. The president of Joseph Enterprises and creator of the Chia Obama, Joe Pedott, is still sick over Walgreens’ decision, stating that the clay bust is:
…hope, courage and pro-American.
According to Pedott, he even showed the bust to the Reverend Jesse Jackson during a chance encounter in a Chicago eatery, and the Reverend stated that it was a fine product.
So there’s that.
As for me, I’ve never owned a Chia Pet before but, in less than a week, I’ll never be able to say that again.
Did you get one? Did it grow in well? The only chia pet I’ve ever had bald spots…very un-obamalike.
MrPikes reply on April 25th, 2009 3:23 am:
I did get one – my very first Chia. He does have bald spots, so I’m thinking of starting him over, but this time keeping him in the White House (okay, a large ziploc bag for warmth and humidity) for a few more days initially. Oh, and the cats (little terrorist bastards) keep messing with him, so I may have to take him to an undisclosed location.