Twelve Days of Terror – Day 1

After going through the Sun-Sentinel’s Scared of Santa photo gallery and reading Fark’s thread, I was in tears. The Christmas tradition of “Let’s go see Santa” confuses me at best. There’s the typical conversation with the child (assuming that the little one has progressed beyond distinguishing basic verbal commands) about how this isn’t the real Santa, but instead his helper, or delegate, or doppelgänger, or whatever. Then there’s the traditional standing in line, followed by the time-honored shelling out of dough, finally culminating in the forever-captured, cherished moment of childlike (that’s what children do) wonderment and joy.

Or it can go the other way.

For the next twelve days, MrPikes is proud to present some of his favorite images of it going the other way:


Just what is going on with this fellow’s pants? Om nom nom nom?

Support *This*

Support Our Ribbons

Ah, meta humor

Seriously, someone help me to understand what compels people to put ribbons, bumper stickers, etc. on their vehicles. I get the whole “raising awareness” thing, e.g., breast cancer, but the whole thing just seems so clubbish.

Here in Virginia, the number of vehicles sporting Virginia Tech paraphernalia has skyrocketed since the massacre in April. I’m sure that some people are genuinely expressing grief for the senseless loss of life. Some may be personally affected, others may know someone who is. The rest are simply aping Bud and Mitzy two McMansions down, like with those fucking Lance Armstrong bracelets.


The best that I can come up with is that a bumper sticker represents the last, pithy word in an argument that I didn’t ask to have. I guess every time the owner looks at hus own bumper, hu says, “I sure told that guy.” That would certainly explain the escalation between the Jesus Fish People and the Darwin Fish People.

Jesus Darwin 1

Jesus Darwin 2

Jesus Darwin 3